8 ways to stop dreaming about traveling and make it happen!!!

Have you ever wanted to just pack your life up, for a time period and see sights that amaze you. While for some of us this may seem so far out of reach, it really is possible. If you put your mind to it you will achieve it! Having a dream of travel and a deep passion for it, will make it happen.However here are some tips to help you get going…

1.Budget, budget, budget

While budgeting is clearly the most obvious it can be hard to set goals and a budget that is easy to stick to. If your serious about seeing the world, the first thing is to cut your daily expenses. Such as eating out less, bringing coffee for home and learning when you say no buying more drinks. Take part of your pay and set it into an account you cant touch.

2. Book your ticket

Before you even have a good amount of savings, book your ticket. While this may seem far fetched, its a great way to motivate yourself to budget and save even more. Having a set date of when you will travel, will make it easy to cut things out of your life and have something to look forward to.

3. Watch travel videos

There is no better way to inspire yourself then to watch people that are already doing it. There are endless amount of vlogs on youtube of people posting on their travels. Find good travel documentaries of the places you want to visit, it will make you dream of them. And isn’t it great doing to bed dreaming of what you want to achieve ?

4. Travel books

Buy travels and guides, start planing and creating an idea of where you want to go and what it will be like through the help of the best. Even reading about different activities to do aboard and what places to stay will help you a lot. And put into perspective what your life will be like while on the road.

5. Learn a new language

Learning is a new language is a new way to get you moving. If you spend time devoted to speaking a foreign tongue, you will automatically learn about a new cultural and want to practice it. There is no getting feeling then being able to communicate in a language you once didn’t.

6.Surround yourself with supportive people

Before you leave, ensure that the people in your life support of goals and idea to travel. For some, leaving their life for a new land its crazy. Having good friends and family that encourage and support you is a great way to get you going, and make sure you don’t off path.

7. Stick to your plan

Stick to your travel plans, sometimes in life this arise that you may not plan. But sticking your plan and your budget will make it happen. Stay strong and understand traveling will be one of the best things you do in life, and no matter what happens you will always remember it.

8. Get ready to leave

Sometimes leaving your home to travel for a long period of time, is not just a case of packing your bag and leaving. There are tears at goodbye and questions if your making the right decision. Have an understanding that travel, may not be what you expected but you will  learn so much more then you ever imagined…

“The gladdest moment in human life, I think , is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton